I'm really subtle.
Go to Brutal Gear in Dark City and buy Nex's shit.
For all my peeps who work in "creative" departments.
Hey can someone sign me up for one of those makeover shows were people come in and clean up all the shit in your apartment?
So me and Bill's apartment has been getting more and more disgusting over the months. Laundry EVERYWHERE. I mean that, the living room, dining room, Computer room, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom all have clothes in them. O_o We aren't stylish people... Where the hell did all these clothes come from?!!
Kim was telling us at lunch about this musician named BJ Snowden. She's terrible, but has CDs out, plays popular places locally and graduated from Berkley (local esteemed music school.) She was discovered by one of the members of the B-52s.
I was telling Brandon and Geoff about my favorite movie, The Protector staring Tony Jaah.
I was just browsing around some blogs and my friend's gaia profiles...
Well I worked on and off today. Fuck I feel like a slacker. The snowman is 99% done. Just some tiny email tweaks and then the biatch can go live and I can never look at it again. :-D
Hey, I think I'm going to stop coming on SL for a while.
What gigantic douchebags people can be.
I feel like that fat guy in the Monty Python sketch. Any minute now I will explode.
Alright peoples, I'm leaving for New York right now to spend Thanksgiving with my Dad. I'm bringing B's computer so I'll probably still be online, but should anything happen where I can't get online, Happy Thanksgiving! Don't OD on food.
I really want more land. My neighbors have a perfect lot that would get me to the next teir, but I don't want to ask them to sell it to me out of fear that it will sound like I'm belittling their business. They don't really have much for sale but they did go through the trouble to make the huge store and it's run by a group.
For the love of all things holy, can one of you guys out there apply to write for PXP?
So Jack Palance died and after Brandon told me at the beginning of the week I said "my grandma looks like Jack Palance. If Jack Palance looked like that lady, I'd want to do Jack Palance" (quoting from 40yr Old Virgin)
One of the best links Brandon has ever sent me.
Stolen from Willow! Take your itunes, put them on shuffle and write down the song names for each section. I'm about to do it, and I swear that I am in no way editting them to be cool. I have Justin Timberlake on my share... so lets see how embarrassing this will be
Ok, when I read thongs was totally thinking of a different kinda thong.
First off... I think I made my dinner last night with expired butter. I've been in the toilet since 2:30am very, very sick. I'm a dumbass. I'm sitting here waiting for my stomache to settle because I MUST go into work today. I have Flash MX on my computer, but I think it's the old one before they went to Adobe.
Uh I just realised again that people read this thing because of some offline IMs I've gotten.
UPDATE: Shit I can't find the comment that I thought was Canimal's. It might not have been her, so I am deeply and truely sorry for calling her out on something someone else wrote. Like on my knees sorry, because I know I hate to be misquoted. BUT I still think that mentality is crap. *nod*
Well... Gritty Kitty is staying open. I never had any intention of immediately closing when I first read about that crap. I cashed out my savings from Ginko though! I think I'm going to buy an ipod with some of it and I don't know how much big TVs cost, but I think I have enough for one of those too. Or maybe, hrm... I think I can get a remake Mac for $599 so maybe I'll do that. *ponders*
As for your support of LibSL, you are further mucking up this entire situation. It’s your support of them that made this fiasco last longer than it should have. Your continued support and decision not to make the use of this program a hack and a bannable offense is not going to end well. At one point in everyone’s life they will be put in a situation where they have to make a decision based on greater good over friendships. Choosing to let this program still be available and not taking action to make it obsolete says that you are risking all of your resident’s work to save a few friends (LibSL.)
What you did here is just putting a bandaid on the gaping wound. This isn’t a viable work around to keep LibSL’s responsible use of copybot in the game. Your company is not even slightly equipped to be able to police the use of this program and you know it. Everything about the last 2 blog entries screams that. If you can’t regulate it then you must ban copybot. Ban all it’s users, even if it means LibSL.
LibSL: No Offense guys, I’m sure you did not intend for this program to get out and I’m sure you do use it responsibly, but the risk of abuse of this program is too high. If LL could come up with a solution to give you special treatment without pissing off the majority of it’s residents, I’m sure they would, but making it legal for everyone to use just to cover any education you get out of it… I’m sorry, that’s crap."
So there. LL have done nothing but prove to me that they are kind of incompetent. I can do nothing but sympathsize with them. I get the vibe that they don't have any experienced game developers or managment there that knows what to do during these situations. I've worked for many companies on the same boat! *coughlikehere,fucking snowmancough* Soooo... that sucks for us, and it's going to suck for them too.
They are probably faking their skill level and I doubt they have anything inovative to come up with. I bet they were all neuropsychology majors.
This is going to be a reoccuring post on here where I will update it with all the random links my boss sends me through out the day on Bonjour. These range from "hey look at this door I want to buy," pictures of funny dogs, cartoons, games, and you tube anything. I'll update this as the day goes on. We are really busy, but then again... when we are he usually sends me more stuff because he's stressed out and crazy.
Canimal invited me to write for PXP. First instinct says "bad idea" so I turned down the offer, though it was very nice of PXP.
I started off feeling very Rawr Rawr Rawr today, wanting to start a fight, and then my brain just snapped. Why am I creating drama in my head? Jebus christ and over a videogame. WTH is wrong with me? Bleh.
I can't wait to go home!! I have like a bajillion ideas for shirts right now and I just want to go home and start them so I have new clothes to wear in SL.
Like 20% of my day is spent surfing advertizing and graphic design websites. This is called "interactive field research" on my timecard and it's actually encouraged.
This girl says she just started making hair. You can see it in her blog here. I dig her model in the flapper ad. Very cute. Females, go buy flapper hair.
This is what I edited so I can stop touching my blog and focus on more important things such as...
[4:54] Twin Wildcat: hey your a awesome builder i mean im in awe
Tee hee.
Hot. Just hot. See the rest here.
Yes, I deleted the last blog. I had great reasons for it. Mainly that I didn't care enough about my entries to see it go away and that an ex-friend was reading it and that creeped me out. I'm sorry, I didn't realise that so many people read it until it was gone and I was getting "Where did your blog go?" IMs. Now it probably looks very drama-queen of me to delete it, but I didn't think people were actually reading it. *shrugs* Dramatic or not, I was a ball of emotions and frustration and the easiest way to get rid of it was to delete the blog. I deleted it with a big sigh of relief and felt better...