Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nerd meme


Went head to head with a backend developer and beat him slightly. I would have quit if I lost. haha.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fuck now I'm old

(Above picture given to me by elec tone :3)

I turned 26 today!

What happens when you are 26? Uh. Apparently nothing happens!

Bill got me a ring with an inverted diamond (meaning the sharp pointy side is facing out.) I love it and have only scratched my face once so far. I've yet to make myself or another bleed using it. I did use it to scratch my name into a table at the Olive Garden already. Already it's proving to be both attractive and useful.

My B-day plans got rescheduled because the place I wanted to go to was over booked. So next week we are going with a bunch of friends to this fondue restaurant. Even though I own a fondue set (unfortunate secret santa present) I've never had any. Should be interesting.

There is a big chocolate peanutbutter cake in our fridge that I can't eat until my friends come over later. ;_; I want to eat it soo bad.

I asked my dad for a vintage Diana camera for my B-day and I just realized if he gets me that I'd have to start developing all my own film again. >_< href="">this one.

Anyway that's all. Don't expect any faboo customer service from me this weekend because it's my special day. :D

After just plain weird encounter with I think a customer (??) on SL tonight, uh, I need to go on a Second Life break. People are just too weird for me.
I'll be logging in to do customer service things, just make sure it's all on notecards and has the transaction #. Thanks :) <3

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Sketchbook Project

I just signed up for this and I dunno if anyone else out there (in the US only atm) would be interested in it. You pay $13 to enter and they send you a sketch book. You then fill up the book and send it back by August and it will be entered into a show. If it sells you get 60% of the profit.

I entered because it's neat. You can keep your book after the show if you send them an envelope.

Sketchbook Project

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ripped Jeans

I changed the name to Art School Pants. Painty pants is what you come up with late at night when you've been starving yourself all day.

But the alliteration is great...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hand drawn jeans with paint on them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stitched Heart Necklace

Uh is it obvious by now that I really like Valentines day?

I've been with the same guy for 7 years now and it's become happy candy, presents and sex day. It also is a eating and gift giving holiday that has absolutely nothing to do with family, which is awesome cause Xmas sucks.

Anyway, this is at koreshan for now.

THAT HOODIE, is a freebie from Winter Moon and it's awesome.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chain wallet + Keys

People kept asking for just the wallet from my pants (with ABSURD offers money wise, the kind that make you want to punch someone in the face.) I editted it and added some keys and a new custom kitty qee.

SO in theory this works with all pants, you just need to move it so the wallet is pushed into your ass and the clip is pushed into your belt loop... thingy.

I have a fat ass, so it's mod. Edit the hell out of it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Neko Valentines

Just another reminder about the valentines. Kinda. Well I forgot to put them on the forum so I made a special ad just for that.

Tableau has this skybox area with skins and stuff for old people. The men's suits are fantastic.

I made an ad thing

people are always asking for ads... and I never have them. So I made one. I found this great photo of a TV with hideous rug + wall paper. and .. well here we go.

Stop Supporting Thieves

This isn't about the Brazilian skin rippers.

So a different Brazilian copybotted some people's artwork (prims) and this guy also bought something of Chicanery's so we are trying to find the guy's store to make sure he didn't rip that too.

I didn't find the store but I did end up at one of the bajillion neko sims in Secondlife and as soon as I TP in I see Krius's boots. Krius's boots, but his store is no were to be found. I look through the other shops and no one else has copybotted, just the minor style theft. (My impression of that: "Imma make a belt like this!" "IMMA MAKE THAT BELT TOO AND CHARGE LESS!" "OMGZORZ We should keep doing this cause it's easy and makes Second Life stagnant!!!" "OMGWTFBBQ YES!")

ANYWAY, tangent there. There are loads of stores in this sim that are names I know and they are just like not caring, obviously. Stop supporting these people! If you see copy botted items in the sim you rent in, find a new freaking sim! Get bitchy at the sim owner. If it is the sim owner... tell them peace out and that you don't support their lazy ass.

Think of it like this. You have a store and you are making your own special snowflake items. You get a following. Your following TPs in and then looks around the sim. Then they buy copybotted shit because they don't know and also only the nicest shit is copybotted.

I just get all angsty when I see stolen items sold right next door to the shop where I bought a sweater that I wore for a month.

I realize you can't be omnipresent and know what everyone in SL is making. But I hope in the future we all become a little more aware of feeds and who is doing what so we can all have each other's backs.

I also hope that Krius will stop getting copybotted, because he works really hard and doesn't deserve this shit.

**Update- Fuck it. The store is called Shooz or something stupid like that. She LOST the DCMA that Krius filed against her, had her shit removed and then promptly put it back out for sale.

Why doesn't LL ban thieves?

Sunday, February 03, 2008

NEW old things

These are all things I've had in my inventory for a while that I never released. I updated some of them and I'm putting them out there.
This hoodie's illustration on the back I made for a friend of mine after a very shitty breakup she had. It's her as the death goddess with her ex's severed head in her hand. :D