This isn't about the Brazilian skin rippers.
So a different Brazilian copybotted some people's artwork (prims) and this guy also bought something of Chicanery's so we are trying to find the guy's store to make sure he didn't rip that too.
I didn't find the store but I did end up at one of the bajillion neko sims in Secondlife and as soon as I TP in I see Krius's boots. Krius's boots, but his store is no were to be found. I look through the other shops and no one else has copybotted, just the minor style theft.
(My impression of that: "Imma make a belt like this!" "IMMA MAKE THAT BELT TOO AND CHARGE LESS!" "OMGZORZ We should keep doing this cause it's easy and makes Second Life stagnant!!!" "OMGWTFBBQ YES!")ANYWAY, tangent there. There are loads of stores in this sim that are names I know and they are just like not caring, obviously. Stop supporting these people! If you see copy botted items in the sim you rent in, find a new freaking sim! Get bitchy at the sim owner. If it is the sim owner... tell them peace out and that you don't support their lazy ass.
Think of it like this. You have a store and you are making your own special snowflake items. You get a following. Your following TPs in and then looks around the sim. Then they buy copybotted shit because they don't know and also only the nicest shit is copybotted.
I just get all angsty when I see stolen items sold right next door to the shop where I bought a sweater that I wore for a month.
I realize you can't be omnipresent and know what everyone in SL is making. But I hope in the future we all become a little more aware of feeds and who is doing what so we can all have each other's backs.
I also hope that Krius will stop getting copybotted, because he works really hard and doesn't deserve this shit.
**Update- Fuck it. The store is called Shooz or something stupid like that. She LOST the DCMA that Krius filed against her, had her shit removed and then promptly put it back out for sale.
Why doesn't LL ban thieves?