So Ginko Financial is the Bank I use in Second life. Apparently it maybe had some shady casino money deals or people freaked out thinking it did and they cashed out when SL banned gambling, thus depleting the $$ reserve. So now the bank is kinda... well, it's not dead, I think it's just sleeping.
I have about $1500 US in Ginko. I am not freaking out. I had a second of going *blurch*gonnapukesomuchmoney, but then I had some work to do and I had a sandwich and now I'm pretty stable.
So here is what I don't understand: I go on the SL forums to see if someone smarter than me can explain what just happened in a different way in case I missed something from their website. I find some threads and I'm reading them. All the people who are like crazy spiteful venomously complaining about the Ginko Bank guy, they don't have money in Ginko.
Let me repeat that.
The people bitching the most about this, DO NOT have money in Ginko.
I have $1500US in Ginko and I'm content to wait this out. I don't get it. I don't want to be the rah rah Ginko Cheerleader here, but if I add it up, I've made about $800 just from interest I've gotten from them. That's a lot! Also, they usually end up on their feet from my experience with them in the past. So I'll let my bonds rot, and maybe if they rot for a while I'll get my money back. Bonds are like cheese.
I dunno, like B just said it sounds like the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" where people had a run on the bank and ruined everything. Ginko guy is probably reliving what second life would be like without him and he played WoW instead. Oh no! He's not there to push that furry away from the oncoming bus, or to teach that nooby girl not to be gorean. And then his brother's grave is there and grovers corners never existed and some fat dude is like heh heh heh I haves all the monies.
I attempted to mix the movie with SL culture there...
Yeah I don't think it was that successful either. I think Grover's Corners is from Our Town.