Uppity Bitches

I made an alt for fun (not so much, what the fuck is the point of SL if you don't build?) And some chick took the time to IM me and call me a noob cause I was at a store buying shit, and when the lucky chair came up with my letter the people were like, it's your letter, I looked to see if of the crowd anyone had the same letter. They didn't so I turned the chair. Did I want the shit from the chair? No. Did I go there to actually purchase items from the store? Yes.
So because the person accidentally said "thank you" when she meant Your welcome and I said no prob, she took the time to IM me after I left to let me know my 6 day old account was a noob and to explain proper lucky chair etiquette. And her 3 year account, that is only in freebie and lucky chair groups, with the exception of the xcite group, is obviously far more learned than I.
Do they give out free vaginas at Xcite? is there a lucky chair for those?
Second thing to note today while the grumpy bullet has hit me:
Linden Labs finally fixed the issue where prim textures would not match the body mesh textures. For over a year many designers have been compensating by adding a 10-20% grey tint to clothing attachments.
So before you go off on your personal blog about how designers fail at life for not making prims match, think of this:
The designers who busted their ass working hard to get their stuff to work with windlight have attachments that look like crap and don't match because the bug was finally fixed.
All the designers who didn't do shit are golden.
So who are you complaining about?
Obviously you should have profusely apologized and begged her to take you under her wing and show you the ropes. And how to get your free talking vagina.
The prim thing...yeah. The transition is going to be reeeeeeally fun as people don't update to the RC/it when it goes live/refuse until they are forced. I'm starting to untint my prims, it makes me cry. (I just bit the bullet and went to the RC yesterday...because all the RCs since WL went live have been crap for me, in the crashing under 5 minutes kind of way. This one ACTUALLY WORKS. Better than the borked real viewer. They're so going to break it again.)
Also, I wanna hunt down the jackass who decided it would be a REALLY AWESOME idea to hardcode tinting the avatar to 20% grey and make them suffer. I think fire ants need to be part of one of the steps.
I won't even mention the "newbie" stuff. Tch for peoples.
They fixed the bug! YAY!
.... Yeah, I gotta fix my SnakeCharmer then.
I think the people in all those freebie/lucky chair groups are the people with the worst etiquette, because they spend *so much* time hunting down their freebies, surrounding themselves with greed, that they don't get to interact with other people and experience better personalities.
I'm gonna have a bunch of clothes to fix in my inventory, but oh well; I'm still more annoyed at the creators whose stuff I bought only to find out the prim attachments were no mod, and so I couldn't tint them to match in the first place. (Sidenote: why the hell do people make the prim parts no mod if the system layers for the outfit are no transfer?)
I think if I've made prim clothing no mod, I did it by mistake.
I fixed my vests so they are mod, but if you edit them too much, they will break and they will look weird. So I kept the resize script in.
The only thing I've ever made no mod 100% + no script, that you wear is my art crime bag because at the time I made it, the asset server had eaten it like 3 times while building it and content theft between other "designers" was at a high. :/
But some shit copybotted it so I guess I can make that one mod.
That came out wrong, and I apologize - I can understand why some things are no mod.
But in the case of clothing that uses prims and system layers, makers have to realize that if they make the prims no mod and don't add a resize script to them, they're alienating customers. I even use edit to check the contents of a display for perms (when sellers use enable "pay" instead of "buy") before buying; I've wasted money on clothes that I cannot make fit me properly.
Lol my comment must have come out wrong, cause I didn't at all see your comment as a poke at me or anything.
I shop too, I know how it sucks when people don't make things mod or like T's on only jacket layer (OMFG *stab*).
I don't know if I have any no mod at all attachment stuff. I have some no mod pants I just bought that were a waste of like L$350.
I hate when someone does like hair no mod. I've bought no mod hair on my alt a few times and my alt is a furry, so I'm like wtf do I do with this?
When you check the contents does it tell you proper perms? It ALWAYS tells me no trans, no copy, no mod. No matter what the perms really are. I try to go by the poster instead cause if someone looked at my scripted items they might be mod but the script will make them look no mod.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's shown me the correct perms a few times. But I usually get stuff that is labeled as being mod on the display.
I read about it in the Release Notes of RC1.22 but some people don't understand it and that list includes designers... I had an issue with a designer saying it was my fault that her/his no mod prims tinted grey looked bad only in my pictures and I should use another WindLight preset. o.O
I have been writing in almost every post in my blog that it was a bug, that the bug is fixed (etc etc etc)...
My solution: add a version grey and a blank in the folders because updates aren't obligatory anymore which means that some people will be using the latest viewers and the lazy will use viewer prior to 1.22 ...
Ana Lutetia
Check the properties of the items in the inventory of the box, Noam- the popup will tell you next owner perms. It's sort of annoying and I SWEAR it used to tell you real perms without that, but now it tells you the "perms to you" which are generally nothing because it's owned by someone else. Or someshit.
Being a freebie blogger, I do want to a.) extend an apologee for the uppity bitch that knew all and b.) note that the loudest of the bunch tend to be unrepresentative of the greater whole. Tends to be a trends in many communities, even when 'proper etiquette' is meant to include common sense kindness.
horray for having (mostly) mod prims on my sets. they can fix it themselves!
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