New hair; Slant

This was inspired by a picture Ana Lutetia sent me. See I do actually make stuff you guys send me!! :O I'm just very slow. The bangs on this are texture scripting. I'm using an updated version of the all in one script that I used on cani and crackfox. It will tell you when the script is done loading, which I hope will cut down on the "OMG MY HAIRS BROKE" ::5 mins pass:: "Nm.. it works"
There will be boosh hair in the future. I don't want to rush it because I want it to be perfect.

Looking forward to the boosh hair :) can't wait to see what it's like, I'm a big fan of the show, went to the boosh book signing on the weekend (in the UK)
They're even cooler in real-life :3
I special ordered the Boosh Book (I'm in America) and it's awesome!
Did you know that Noel and Julian did most of the drawings?
BOOSH hair...and i need the Boosh book myself =D
Amd yeah, their drawings
are awesome =D
Oooh must have!
Ditto what Arbers said, MUST HAVE!
Your hair making skills can't be beat sir. I salute you. That hair is absolutely fantastically brilliant.
Also, I miss SL...RL has been a drag (and not the good kind of drag that involves men and false titties).
Hope to see you soon:)
It turned so great!
*googles more cuties*
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